Monday, May 13, 2013

See Rock City

Somewhere west of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee


TexWisGirl said...

love those old boards that look like ribbons.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

is that barn yawning? looks kind of tired. nice clouds too. ( :

A Creative Grace said...

I wonder how much longer it'll stay up? Lovely shot :)

Brian King said...

That's awesome! Looks like the days are numbered for that outside wall. I like the old barns with advertising.

Deanna said...

I am in love with this barn...really great find!!

Rose said...

Oh, I like that sky, too.

Judy said...

It looks like they're still using it :)

Dan said...

Great capture!

It's too bad there isn't a recording of its daily activities from the time it was constructed to be played back. I bet the history lesson and stories would be captivating.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I like these old barns with advertising on them- this one looks to be about ready to sit down and give up.

Our photos said...

Your barns photos on your blog are
Greetings, RW & SK

Anonymous said...

oh what nice finds you get in the barns.

I tried to put you on my side bar. It wont take to show up on my side bar. You are already on my friends list. I will click you again and see what happens.

Is ths the one blog you use or you have more?

betty-NZ said...

I have seen this on so many barn roofs, but I have never actually seen Rock City!!